グラフィックデザイナー&Webデザイナー・高橋美夏の名刺/Business card of graphic designer and web designer Mika Takahashi

プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview


Business card of graphic designer and web designer Mika Takahashi

コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea


I aimed to create a design that was packed with the information I needed and the style I’m best at.

デザイン過程 / Design Process

制作期間 – 3日間

Production period – 3 days
For the main text, I decided to use Fontworks’ Tsukushi A Old Mincho font to express my favorite style. To make it easier for people overseas to understand, I also included the English notation for my place of residence, and on the back I included my emblem that I designed previously, as well as QR codes that can access my Instagram, Threads, and portfolio site.

使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used

Adobe Illustrator CC。和洋折衷のデザインにするために、名刺は縦向きにしました。

Adobe Illustrator CC. In order to create a design that blends Japanese and Western styles, the business cards are oriented vertically.

結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes


I posted it on Threads and it got a certain number of likes. I plan to post it on Instagram, Cara, etc. in the future.