プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview
Tシャツ用ロゴ「What we want is…PEACE」
T-shirt logo: “What we want is…PEACE”
コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea
Our goal was to create a design that conveys a wish for peace while still maintaining a pop feel.
デザイン過程 / Design Process
制作期間 – 2日間
Production period – 2 days
Since this was a design made for T-shirts sold at SUZURI (a Japanese online shop), I wanted to make a design that wasn’t too serious, so I decided to create a transparent logo that was reminiscent of plastic. At the time, Israel’s attacks on Palestine and Gaza had just begun, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was still ongoing, so I came up with the idea of forming “PEACE” using the colors of the Ukrainian and Russian, Palestinian, and Israeli flags, and placing a message between them. To express the transparency of the logo, all the parts are made slightly transparent, making the intersections stand out.
使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used
Adobe Illustrator CS6。ロシア語圏の赤と、他の言語圏の赤はトーンが違うので、上と下で赤と青は違うカラーコードのものを使っています。
Adobe Illustrator CS6. Since the tone of red in Russian-speaking countries is different from that of red in other language-speaking countries, different color codes are used for the red at the top and bottom.
結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes
It was published on Threads, Instagram, and Cara, and received a certain number of likes from both within Japan and overseas.