架空のホテル「夏のウェディングフェア」チラシ/A flyer for a fictional hotel : “Summer Wedding Fair”

プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview


A flyer for a fictional hotel : “Summer Wedding Fair”

コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea


Since this is a flyer for a summer event, we aimed for a colorful and elegant design.

デザイン過程 / Design Process

制作期間 – 3日間

Production period – 3 days
First, we organized the information to be posted, and in addition to the main photo of the couple, we prepared several photos to match the wedding fair program. We used a script font for the event title to create an elegant atmosphere, and used either Mincho or Gothic font for the text depending on the content. As it is a summer event, we placed a yellow hibiscus next to the program title, and used lace in the background of the coupon for special offers for contracts to add a touch of elegance.

使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used

Adobe Illustrator CS6 / Adobe Photoshop CS6。目立つテキストにピンクを使い、パーツは太陽をイメージした黄色と、涼しげな水色で夏を表現しました。

Adobe Illustrator CS6 / Adobe Photoshop CS6. Pink is used for the eye-catching text, and the parts are yellow, reminiscent of the sun, and a cool light blue to represent summer.

結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes


I posted it on Threads and Instagram, and it got a certain number of likes.