万国藤むすめ/Fujimusume around the world

プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview


Illustration: “Fujimusume around the world”

コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea


This work was born from the question: What would happen if the traditional Japanese doll “Fuji Musume” went around the world and was dressed up in souvenirs? I tried to use pop colors so that it would be familiar to people from overseas.

デザイン過程 / Design Process

制作期間 – 1週間

Production period – 1 week
I created the draft while referring to numerous “Fujimusume” dolls and photos of famous souvenirs from overseas. The idea of ​​making the hat into a sombrero was there from the beginning. After that, I replaced the kimono pattern with a traditional overseas pattern while considering the color balance.

使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used

CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO。一定の太さの輪郭線で、ペイントソフトを使いながらもAdobe Illustratorで描いたようなイラストを目指しました。

CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO. I aimed to create an illustration with outlines of a consistent thickness, as if it had been drawn in Adobe Illustrator, even though I used a painting software.

結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes


It was published on Threads, Instagram, and Cara, and received a certain number of likes from both within Japan and overseas.