グラフィックデザイナー&Webデザイナー・高橋美夏のエンブレム/Emblem by graphic and web designer Mika Takahashi

プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview


Emblem by graphic and web designer Mika Takahashi

コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea


I aimed to clearly express my own occupation and to convey a friendly and cheerful image.

デザイン過程 / Design Process

制作期間 – 4日間

Production period – 4 days
First, I decided to use the flower of my hometown, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima-ken, so I used a hibiscus art brush that I had made before to create an overall frame, and placed a maneki-neko (beckoning cat) and a daruma (daruma doll) in the middle to pray for prosperity in business. I left one eye of the daruma doll unpainted to express that it is still in its infancy. Around the maneki-neko and the daruma doll, I randomly placed the tools I use for work, and at the top and bottom, I put my title, name, and shop name “MIKADana”. I used Lobster for the font of my title and name, Memphis for the font of the shop name, and Oedo Kanteiryu for the font of the lantern that I placed to express brightness.

使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used

Adobe Illustrator CC。ハイビスカスやリボンのアートブラシを自作し、効果的に使いました。

Adobe Illustrator CC. I made my own hibiscus and ribbon art brushes and used them effectively.

結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes


This is the first time they are being shown in this portfolio. They will be released on Threads, Instagram, Cara, etc. in the future.