プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview
Advertising banner for a fictional project called “Chibikko Agriculture Project”. “Chibikko” means kids in Japanese.
コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea
We aimed for a cute and lively design to express the cheerfulness of children enjoying farming.
デザイン過程 / Design Process
制作期間 – 2日間
Production period – 2 days
First, I started by preparing a photo of a child growing vegetables, but it didn’t quite convey the brightness and joy, so I tried a few other photos, and finally settled on a photo of a child harvesting vegetables. I used the word “Yulka” for the title, and included the child’s hat, shovel, and young vegetable leaves. I scattered illustrations of garlands and vegetables around the child to express liveliness, and also included a curved frame.
使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used
Adobe Illustrator CC / Adobe Photoshop CC。写真を配置する前に、子どもの着ている服の色が強かったので、彩度を抑えました。
Adobe Illustrator CC / Adobe Photoshop CC. Before placing the photos, I reduced the saturation because the colors of the children’s clothes were strong.
結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes
I posted it on Threads and Instagram, and it got a certain number of likes.