プロジェクト概要 / Project Overview
架空の学習塾のInstagram広告「2031年度春期講習 新入生募集」
Instagram ad for a fictional cram school: “Recruiting new students for spring 2031 course”
コンセプト・アイデア / Concept and Idea
Keeping in mind that this is a cram school for elementary school students, we aimed for a design that conveyed intelligence.
デザイン過程 / Design Process
制作期間 – 3日間
Production period – 3 days
First, I tried various positions for the photo and decided on it, then I considered the placement of the surrounding text. I was conscious of the movement of the viewer’s eyes, and because it was an advertisement for a cram school for elementary school students, I tried to make the design friendly by using illustrations in some places and using a lot of curves. I initially thought I would use Shuei Maru Gothic, but I wanted to create a slightly stiffer atmosphere that would give a sense of intelligence, so I changed to Gen No Kaku Gothic.
使用したツールや技術 / Tools and Techniques used
Adobe Illustrator CC。知的なイメージを表現するために背景を青色にして、階段状の曲線を配置することで幾何学的な雰囲気を出しました。
Adobe Illustrator CC. To convey an intellectual image, we made the background blue and used stepped curves to create a geometric feel.
結果・成果 / Results and Outcomes
I posted it on Threads and Instagram, and it got a certain number of likes.